Find logos, forms, resources, and tips for events here.



Please click on the image to download and save.

Yellow background logo

Transparent background logo

White background logo

QR code to general donate page


We are happy to help with Kiddo! events, please follow the below guidelines and reach out to Kiddo! staff for assistance.

Schedule Parent Events Early and Communicate Dates (and Changes) Promptly!

Provide information about all events and activities that include parents to Kiddo! Communications Associate Candace Murphy (cmurphy@kiddo.org). Schedule your events with the schools and email dates to Candace by:

  • Oct-Jan events by October 15  

  • Feb-June events by January 15

Highlight Kiddo! in Event Materials

Include Kiddo! logo and include “Made possible by your donations to Kiddo!” in all materials and communications.

Highlight Kiddo! at Events

Increase Kiddo! visuals, e.g. banners, wearing Kiddo! T-shirts, etc. If requested, allow time for Kiddo! School Rep to say a few words. These are the Kiddo! School Reps to contact:

Say a few words about Kiddo!
At a minimum thank parents for donating to Kiddo! and emphasize programs not possible without them.

Contribute to Website/Social Media with Photos/Videos

We'd love your photos and videos to use on the website and in communications like the eNews and newsletter, and also are increasing our Facebook/Instagram presence and would love great Kiddo! action shots for that. To transfer photos to Kiddo! choose one of these options:

Choose the best few and email to Elisabeth Buford (ebuford@kiddo.org) and Candace Murphy (cmurphy@kiddo.org)

Upload to Dropbox if you have an account (very easy to sign up) and share folder with Elisabeth Buford

Upload videos to youtube or other service and email links to: